How To Like Yourself More

Love yourself first and everything else falls into line.

Posted by TWW Team on June 13, 2023

So today we are going to be talking about fashion - 'Wait what? I thought self-improvement was only about those dreaded cold showers and meditation and trying to journal 5 pages everyday'. Hold up, there are more interesting things you can do other than sitting alone for half an hour in this adventure. Now before you start judging on how self-improvement is related to dressing well, we will explain in a simple & accurate manner.

You know, as humans we all want to connect with each other. We form relationships with people and make memories through simple interactions. And these simple interactions can be enhanced if you appear well dressed since dressing nicely is a form of self-care as its signals to people around you that you care for yourself and you expect yourself to be seen in the same manner and as a result, people around you start seeing you in a more respectable way.

By the way, dressing well doesn't always have to be for others. It changes you view yourself when you appear more confident & it can help with low self-esteem issues if you haven't been on the right track. And of course, who doesn't want to look great? We all desire to fit in and have a great time with the people around us.

Also, it doesn't go without saying that it's more fun and entertaining to wear something fabulous and dressing well always seems better than looking eccentric. So, starting today, put your best foot forward in your favorite suit and tie and walk more confidently as little habits like this can go a long way.

Now you do have to understand and learn how to dress according to different scenarios. You obviously don't want to be looking like Men in Black when you drop your kids to school. Start by learning how people you admire dress themselves. Learn fashion tips on the Internet. You also don't need to spend a lot of money on looking presentable. Just having some normal dress alone which fits you perfectly makes a lot of difference. You might probably want to invest in some new socks too, just saying.

Well then go ahead and start putting in more effort on your fashion! People will start to appreciate your presence and you will start to like yourself more. And who knows, maybe your boss might give you a promotion!

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